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Corporate Party Themes for a Memorable Event

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With companies gradually bringing people back to the office, a cautious return to corporate events and parties is likely to follow.

But there’s no reason to return to the lifeless, rubbery chicken affairs that characterized some get-togethers in the past. After months of social distancing, even the smallest in-person event should be a cause for celebration, not something attendees dread.

Whether your job is event planning or putting together corporate gatherings is an informal assignment, here are some ideas for making your next get-together exciting, appealing, and memorable. Just remember that whatever you decide, your theme has to be relevant and appropriate to your company’s culture. If having a balloon artist to warm up the crowd or hiring a daiquiri truck wouldn’t have been suitable before the pandemic, it’s probably not going to fly now, either.

One more thing. Some guests may still be nervous about attending an event in public. When you’re shopping for a venue, it’s important to know what protocols they have in place to protect people in face-to-face settings. Don’t hesitate to ask what their health and safety standards are and what you, as the planner, can do if you see something that doesn’t seem acceptable.

Now, onto the fun!  

·       Take it outside. The folks at Social Tables anticipated a post-COVID world when they suggested tried-and-true themes like a company picnic or miniature golf party. Given it’s an Olympics year (even if by default), maybe you could riff off those competitions with contests that are considerably less taxing — cornhole, lawn Jenga, or a giant version of Connect Four, anyone? — and present medals to the winners while they stand on a makeshift podium.

Simple fare like burgers, hot dogs, and brats make menu planning easy, but don’t forget to include something vegetarians will savor, too, such as potato salad (admit it: almost everyone likes that), a caprese pasta salad, or a grilled veggie sandwich. Vegans or gluten-free guests alike might enjoy lettuce wraps stuffed with a savory blend of tofu, mushrooms, onions, and water chestnuts.

Want to take the outdoor theme to the next level? How about a country fair theme with traditional midway games like “pick a duck” or a water coin drop? The Spruce offers more suggestions, including a more hygienic version of bobbing for apples that uses nets.

Or if you really want to go big, consider a corporate camping trip, even one that’s not a sleepover. Although it couldn’t really be defined as roughing it, one company recently treated their employees to a mock camp-out at a resort. The event featured custom-constructed a-frame tents, a s’mores bar, and a campfire.

·       Behind the screens. You weren’t the only one who binge-watched every streaming show during lockdown or spent hours in Zoom meetings.

Now, it’s time to get your guests out from behind their TV and computer screens with an event that salutes the programs and films that everyone was talking about during the past couple of years.

Let the setting and plot be your guide. For a Game of Thrones party, put a Weirwood tree or sigil flag on every table. Going more light-hearted and endlessly optimistic, a la Ted Lasso? A quick Google search will turn up all sorts of ideas for a soccer-themed event, but be sure to have shortbread-style tea cakes on the menu.

A trivia tournament or a Jeopardy! — or College Bowl-style competition — is a sure way to test your guests’ TV and movie knowledge. Not only can contests like those improve engagement, interpersonal skills, and team dynamics, but some people also believe they can make you smarter

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